Basic English Bible
Versículos do Dia
The Lord takes care of those who are in a strange land; he gives help to the widow and to the child who has no father; but he sends destruction on the way of sinners.
Salmos 146:9
Salmos 146:9
Through your evil-doing these things have been turned away, and your sins have kept back good from you.
Jeremias 5:25
Jeremias 5:25
And I made an agreement with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their wanderings.
Êxodo 6:4
Êxodo 6:4
Because of the flowing hair of the fighters in Israel, because the people gave themselves freely, give praise to the Lord.
Juízes 5:2
Juízes 5:2
- Gênesis
- Êxodo
- Levítico
- Números
- Deuteronômio
- Josué
- Juízes
- Rute
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Reis
- 2 Reis
- 1 Crônicas
- 2 Crônicas
- Esdras
- Neemias
- Ester
- Jó
- Salmos
- Provérbios
- Eclesiastes
- Cantares
- Isaías
- Jeremias
- Lamentações
- Ezequiel
- Daniel
- Oseias
- Joel
- Amós
- Obadias
- Jonas
- Miquéias
- Naum
- Habacuque
- Sofonias
- Ageu
- Zacarias
- Malaquias
- Mateus
- Marcos
- Lucas
- João
- Atos
- Romanos
- 1 Coríntios
- 2 Coríntios
- Gálatas
- Efésios
- Filipenses
- Colossenses
- 1 Tessalonicenses
- 2 Tessalonicenses
- 1 Timóteo
- 2 Timóteo
- Tito
- Filemom
- Hebreus
- Tiago
- 1 Pedro
- 2 Pedro
- 1 João
- 2 João
- 3 João
- Judas
- Apocalipse
- Almeida Antiga
- Almeida Corrigida Fiel
- Almeida Recebida
- Almeida Revisada e Atualizada
- Almeida Revisada e Corrigida
- Almeida Revisada e Corrigida (1969)
- American Standard Version
- Basic English Bible
- King James Atualizada
- Nova Almeida Aualizada
- Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje
- Nova Versão Transformadora